Computers and Crime Prevention
- Fingerprint Recognition
- Facial Recognition System
- Police National Computer (PNC)
- Speed Cameras
Cyber Crime
- Phishing
- Hacking
- Computer Misuse Act
- Data Protection Act
Fingerprint Recognition
Fingerprint recognition is when you match two fingerprints together, this helps to verify someones identity and to know who they are. However it is only in the last 10 years that the fingerprint scanner was introduced and the reason behind it being created was to help solve crimes. Because of the increasing amount of technology used it would not take long to find a match of identical fingerprints, however when they would first inspect fingerprints it would be by hand, not by computer and could take a while to finally find a match. As well as having computer based sanners for finding the matches the people that are identified would be stored on a database whereas before the use of technology the data collected would be stored within a paper base system.
Facial Recognition System
This is a computer application which automatically identifies and verifies a human being and will give you personal information about them, that you would need to know. The way in which they capture the persons face is either by: digital image or a video frame. This would be another way of solving a crime as you would would be shown an image or a video and then with the facial recognition technology you would be able to identify who the person is relatively fast. This again will all be computer based because of the new technology, because of this technology it makes solving crimes a great deal easier as you will be shown possible matches and then you would be able to come up with a final identity.
CCTV cameras, otherwise known as closed circuit televisions are the usage of cameras. The cameras are situated in places that are in need of being monitored, these places would include: in shops; to prevent theft and many more. The first usage of CCTV cameras was in 1942 and after then it was used worldwide in places such as: banks, airports and schools. The tapes in which contain the video footage are kept so that if there has been any problems to do with suspicious behaviour or even theift they have evidential proof which they would take to the police, and they would then use their facial recognition systems to track down who it it and with the use of both these types of technology the criminals will be found a lot sooner.
Police National Computers (PNC)
This is the piece of technology that holds data and personal information about everyone in the country. The only people that have access to these files are the police and they are only used if they feel it necessary. It was created in 1974 and can only be used for 14 hours a day throughout the year. The way in which the data is shared is through a secure network, this is important as the information stored on the database will need to be protected to that everyones personal data is secure.
Speed Cameras
The usage of speed cameras have been enforced largely within the last few years, this is because more and more people are ignoring the speed limits and in case of accidents and to import a level of security because as soon as the car goes past the camera takes a photo, which identifies the cars number plate and sends the photograph straight to the police station, where they continue the speeding ticket in which the speeder will receive through the post. However there are some circumstances in which you can pay up to half of the speeding ticket if you pay it within a certain amount of time.

phishing is when you try to acquire a persons personal information, these would include such things as: usernames, passwords and credit card details. A common way in which the 'phisher' would access your data would be by email, you would receive an email and if you are to open any attached documents they will harm you and give the fisher the ability to access all of your personal data so that they can then see your credit card details and when in the wrong hands this could be very harmful to you as you don't know who it is that has your information.
Hacking is when someone accesses all of your personal data without authorisation and or acknowledgement. When hacking you would need to so so over a network so in order to be more protected from hackers you would need to be on a secure network and have security software and even then problems such as hacking can occur. Hacking would include the same type of things that phishing does but also the changing of documents, viewing of internet history, and also accessing the accounts that the user has.
Computer Misuse Act
Because of all the fraud that happens the Computer Misuse Act was introduced. The ways in which the Computer Misuse Act was created for are for things such as: copying of coursework, deleting files or stealing money and many more. Because of the Computer Misuse Act it makes it illigal to carry out any of the above things and if you were to do so then you would risk the chance of being caught and serving a penalty.
Data Protection Act
Because of the increasing amount of data that is used and stored about us it is important for all of our personal data to be secure. If our data is not secure then it could get into the wrong hands and can be used against us and depending on what information they receive about us, they could pretend to be you and buy things, which would get you into trouble.

Facial Recognition System


This is the piece of technology that holds data and personal information about everyone in the country. The only people that have access to these files are the police and they are only used if they feel it necessary. It was created in 1974 and can only be used for 14 hours a day throughout the year. The way in which the data is shared is through a secure network, this is important as the information stored on the database will need to be protected to that everyones personal data is secure.
Speed Cameras
The usage of speed cameras have been enforced largely within the last few years, this is because more and more people are ignoring the speed limits and in case of accidents and to import a level of security because as soon as the car goes past the camera takes a photo, which identifies the cars number plate and sends the photograph straight to the police station, where they continue the speeding ticket in which the speeder will receive through the post. However there are some circumstances in which you can pay up to half of the speeding ticket if you pay it within a certain amount of time.

phishing is when you try to acquire a persons personal information, these would include such things as: usernames, passwords and credit card details. A common way in which the 'phisher' would access your data would be by email, you would receive an email and if you are to open any attached documents they will harm you and give the fisher the ability to access all of your personal data so that they can then see your credit card details and when in the wrong hands this could be very harmful to you as you don't know who it is that has your information.
Hacking is when someone accesses all of your personal data without authorisation and or acknowledgement. When hacking you would need to so so over a network so in order to be more protected from hackers you would need to be on a secure network and have security software and even then problems such as hacking can occur. Hacking would include the same type of things that phishing does but also the changing of documents, viewing of internet history, and also accessing the accounts that the user has.
Computer Misuse Act
Because of all the fraud that happens the Computer Misuse Act was introduced. The ways in which the Computer Misuse Act was created for are for things such as: copying of coursework, deleting files or stealing money and many more. Because of the Computer Misuse Act it makes it illigal to carry out any of the above things and if you were to do so then you would risk the chance of being caught and serving a penalty.
Data Protection Act

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