Friday, 9 September 2011

Online Services

Within this blog I will be posting about a various number of different ICT related topics that are used in everyday life such as:

The way we use communication has become very dependent on technology, the main ways that people use technology are for communication: Email because it’s free and easy to use. Instant messaging which is more popular for the younger generation. Blogs which are used to notify people about a particular topic and keep them updated. And social networking sites which are mainly used by the younger generation to keep in contact with their peers.

Commence has also risen in the way that more people are using technology and there are many different ways that it used in today’s society which is mainly for shopping where they are able to buy items online rather than physically going into a store which is good for convenience. Banking has also become a very popular way of using technology for the same reasons as shopping and it is purely for the benefits of the individual as they can do it at their own leisure.

The ways in which education uses technology has spiralled recently and schools are making it a priority to have online services mainly being VLEs such as frog which is a schools intranet that allows all of the staff and pupils have their own account to access the data that is online. School web sites which can be used to let the students see what events are happening and is updated on a regular bases. Online revision for their students so even if the pupil is off school they are still able to get revision so that they do not fall behind.

The ways in which technology is used for entertainment purposes are mainly for online games which are mostly used by the younger generation as they are free and they can also play with multi-user so it is very appealing as they would be able to play against their friends. Sports as you can now watch sports using technology and you can also read about it. You can also read books online so you can use a smartphone to access your book online instead of physically reading a book which would mostly be for ease.

Downloading services
The most popular way that technology is used in my opinion and also experience is for downloading purposes. I find that most of all music downloading is a very popular use of technology as you are now able to download music online rather than buying a CD and importing it onto your itunes, it is a very quick and easy way of downloading music. Another is for film as most people prefer to download their films rather than going to the cinema for cheapness as well as ease.

Many people use technology without knowing it, for the above reasons and others. The ways in which people have used technology has risen to a great extent in recent years without acknowledgement. And the world is becoming more and more dependent on technology in the way that we use technology for everyday usage.

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